Location & Imprint

DI Siegfried Willingshofer, Andrea Feichtenhofer, Gerhard Willingshofer
Registered office: Gasen
The Commercial Register Court: Regional Civil Court Graz
Registration number: FN 59580 v
UID: ATU 62833606                       
D-U-N-S No.: 302530563
Employer No.: 600247082
Competent industrial authority
Bezirkshauptmannschaft Weiz
Bank details
UniCredit Bank Austria AG
IBAN: AT45 11000 098 7550 8500,

Raiffeisenbank Pöllau-Birkfeld eGen
IBAN: AT11 3802 3000 0400 2739
Content design
Willingshofer GmbH
Concept, Web Design and Technical Implementation
one's own

Gender reference
As a modern company, we attach great importance to the equal rights of women and men. In the interests of better readability of our information and for reasons of text economy, we do not make a distinction between the genders. This does not mean discrimination and includes both femal and male forms.
Willingshofer GesmbH
Sonnleitberg 42
A - 8616 Gasen
Phone: +43/3171/208-0
Fax: +43/3171/208-4

IMPORTANT: When traveling with navigation systems, enter  "Gasen Zentrum"!